Time to plant. We took a trip up "north" to the town of Benjamin to Hansen's Nursery to get some flowers.. (some flowers) LOL ! We ended up bringing home 3 palates of petunias! Even Dad had a hard time finding places to plant all three palates... but we managed to fill every available space we could find this time.

Of course I (as always) brought along the camera to get some pictures. You just never know when an opportunity will arise! The marigolds really stink, but they are beneficial to the garden to keep unwanted guests away.

Don't know what this one is, but I thought it was pretty!

Plenty of flowers to choose from.. this particular nursery is only open in the spring for a few weeks, but they seem to be really busy during that time.

..and here is the wheelbarrow full of flowers to plant.

In just a few weeks, this should be very very colorful... pinks, yellow, lavender and white!

This flower has a deep purple center...

This greenhouse held garden veggies and herbs... it smelled good! My Dad said loves the smell of a greenhouse.
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