Sunday, September 24, 2006

Okay.... so I started the blog and now how to download a pic ??? I have a TON of pictures and I think the one I will try first is of my Mom and Dad.. they recently moved back to Utah, and they seem very content to be at the base of Mount Nebo. So what better pic to try out than of them with the mountain in the background?

Mom and Dad have been through alot in the 20 years it took them to get back to Utah. There have been ups and downs and lots and lots of trials! But one thing was constant. The love and strength of their marriage. It would have been easier at times to give up and call it quits, but that is not in either of their vocabularies, which is a real inspiration to me. Dad went through several setbacks with job losses and layoffs, but when he couldn't, Mom stepped up and helped get them through the crisis. Dad once told me that it nearly killed him to know that Mom was making more money than he was...he felt like a failure. Mom didn't see it that way. She felt that in marriage, you try and keep trying, and you do whatever is necessary to get the goal accomplished. I admire that. I sometimes wonder if I would have the same strength to do the same.

Friday, September 22, 2006

This my first entry on a real live blog....ooooooooo.... are we all impressed? I love being on the computer, which is both good and bad. The good is that my hubby can watch a ball game and not have me bugging him with chatterand questions about the game, and the bad is that I tend to stay on too long, which means my house suffers as a result! No matter. There is always tomorrow.......... or the next day! lol.I live in Georgia, which is a long way from home for me, but I am biding my time until I return to good ol' Utah. I came out here to be a nanny for a family 20 (choke...gasp! ) years ago, and met my beloved. Now I am stuck here waiting for the oportunity to arrive that will guide us back home again. Not that I don't like Georgia, it has to do with being closer to family and friends....the older I get the stronger the desire to be among familiar faces and a slower pace.We have two dogs. Tinker, the older one is 7 years old. He is a german/lab mix and the most loyal lovable LICKITY dog there is! He found us when he was six weeks old and has found his was into our home, our hearts, and our bed!Bandit is our clown. He is an Aussie mix, and I think the "mix" part of it is that of a tigger! ....... bouncy bouncy fun fun fun fun.... the most wonderful part of a tiggerdog, is that I own the only one! He was given to us by a co-worker of Roger's, because her husband said no to a dog in a house full of cats! He is 5, and acts like a 3 month old! Needless to say, there is never a dull moment.Roger is a paramedic....and a darned good one at that! The only downfall he has is "burnout"....that is, he no longer is able to tolerate 911 calls.... therefore, he works for a non-emergency service that transports the elderly from the nursing home to the hospital, or an occasionally hospital-to-hospital transfer. He really enjoys working with the elderly.... especially the vetrans of WWII and Korea--which statisfies his history-learning bug that lives in his cranium. He is very knowledgeable in both medical and historical subjects. I have learned alot from him over the 18 years we have been married. He is my rock and I love him dearly... even if he makes mistakes! For the last year, Roger has been hitting the weights due to lower back surgery that left him unable to mountain bike anymore. He has become quite the bench presser, too. My only request to him is that he doesn't overdo it and have "ape arms".... I really don't like that! He is careful to stretch after each exercise to be sure not to appear ape-like, but I occasionally catch him looking himself over in the mirror "posing like an ape" . LOL !I have been a dental assistant for 14 years now and have worked with only 2 dentists during my career, which, in the dental field is a rarity. I have been fortunate to learn on the job and have worked with very good dentists with calm personalities... I have known too many assistants and hygenists that have had instruments thrown at them or have been humiliated by better-than-you dentists, and I am sure I would not be in this field if I had been in a position of that kind. I also took an EMT course early on in my 20's , where I earned my EMT license, but found that I am too emotional to handle the death side of emergencies... I can handle blood, lost limbs, fractures, car accident scenes, stroke, heart attack, diabetic problems, and illness.... but I don't handle children being killed by an estranged husband, grandpa Henry dying of terminal cancer, and stillborn infants. That is why I choose dentistry. If you lose a tooth, it just isn't as traumatic!Well, that is it for tonite. I hope you enjoy our "get to know us" entry...feel free to comment and give suggestions as to what to do with this blog in the future...any help is appreciated!