Friday, June 18, 2010

Some family pics

Johnny with his Grandpa Pack.. I love this one!

Roger is always kind enough to let me take his is not easy to get him to smile for the camera however.  I lucked out on this one.

Speaking of not getting a smile outta someone, my brother, JD is hard to get.  You have to sneak one in while he isn't watching... I think l'il Johnny helped me take this one!

We were at my birthday dinner, and Johnny was sitting on my lap, helping me take pictures.... he LOVES to play with the camera!  This is his Aunt Allison muggin for him.Here he is with his cousin, Kaylee.... booger nose and all!  LOL

.... and givin' loves to his Grandma Pack... such a sweet guy!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Just thought I'd share some of the beautiful iris that we have here at Mom and Dad's house.  The wind has been rough on them the past 4 or 5 days, otherwise, I would have been able to take more pics.. the colors are so pretty right now. I hope to be able to get a few more before the flowers end....   enjoy!I didn't realize iris came in so many colors!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Garden update

Hello !  Farmer Stacey here reporting from the grand garden of the Pack homestead!  There are lots of things going on in the garden this month.  I took some pics to show the progress being made... ENJOY!
This is the beautiful reward we get as we sit on the back porch after a long day working in the garden... such a wonderful treat !!!