I would like to introduce you to the world's most timid and shy cat. He was a stray when my parents found him in California before they moved back home to Utah.
He was very skinny and scraggly looking when they found him and took him under their wings... his hair was coing out in clumps and he did not look well at all. After packing up the house and doing the final clean up before Mom and Dad moved to Utah, Dad was able to get Boone into a carrier and Dad transported him in his truck with Boone yeowling the entire way! Here is a picture of my parents' quirky cat, Boone. I have not met a cat quite like him... ever! He lives in the garage and doesn't go outside much unless Dad is out in the garden. When he is out with Dad, he is much braver than usual. Strangely, this summer, he has kind of come out of his shell, so to speak, and at one point, actually came out onto the back deck when my dog, Tinker was out there as well. As timid as Boone is, he walked right past Tink and laid down on the deck not 3 or 4 feet from where Tinker was laying... he was watching Tinker like a hawk, but as long as he didn't move, Boone was fairly comfortable to hang outside with us all !
Boone is quite good at giving dirty looks, too, as this picture shows!
He does love to get his treats and get a good head rub daily too!
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