When Roger finally got settled and had caught up on some sleep, we headed down to Mom and Dads for a few days. We took a drive up to Heber City, a town up Provo Canyon to see the snowfall up there. We stopped at a gallery that is for my favorite artist, Robert Duncan. The gallery looks like a log home... (my dream home).... inside, Mom and I had a fun time wishing and dreaming of all the artwork that we would love to hang on our own walls, while Dad and Roger were outside exploring the street. The town itself was settled by germans and the dutch, and there are alot of homes that have "gingerbread" deco on them. There are many homes that were built pre-1900. I really need to get up there in the spring to take pics of just homes..
If you would like to see his artwork, go to www.robertduncanstudios.com
I took some snow shots for fun. I am really into fences... I don't know why...
this one has thistle... it grows like mad out here...it looks great in the winter with the snow as a backdrop, but it is also really pretty in the summer, because the heads of the flowers are lavender... they don't like to be picked, they have thorns all up the stems, but cows really love to eat them !

I just liked this fence.

I snapped this pic of Roger after coming out of the gallery to show the amount of snow up in the canyons.... (the snow had melted down at Mom and Dads) It was a good 25degrees colder in Heber, but you really don't feel the cold like you do in Atlanta...it must be because of the low humidity.

This is a close-up pic of Mount Nebo...the mountain you can see from my parents back door. The wind was blowing really hard that day, and you can see the snow flying off the peak which happens to be 11,900+ ft. I can't imagine how cold it must be up there and with the windchill..... BRRRRR!
I love how you guys go do a lot of things and enjoy many fun places. I know that i keep saying this but your photography amazes me. Hope you guys continue to enjoy Utah. Especially Roger since he's never lived here!!
Did you hear we got snow in Georgia yesterday? Of course here where we are it didn't stick and the kids did have to go to school. But everywhere around they said they had real snow - Athens had 8 inches! Sounds like you are really happy and enjoying yourself back in Utah. Monika
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