So I am finally getting around to posting a couple of pics. There are so many on my camera's card that I think it'll be an effort to get them all organized. I wanted to show off my little nephew, Johnny, so I think I'll start with that.
He is finally beginning to take a few of those first steps now, which I am sure make his Mommy and Daddy happy. He is also cutting teeth like a madman, which makes him a little bit fussy, but nothing a good hard cookie and some teething tablets won't take care of !

He is a busy little guy... he will take off his jeans and then try to get them back on... same with his socks....he knows that his feet go in the pantleg, it's just sooo hard to get it in !
I also have a cute one of Bandit in the strange cold stuff that he was sticking his nose into...this was the morning after we arrived and the dogs hadn't had a chance to explore their new digs... of course being blind doesn't help Bandit figure out this crazy thick water, but it does taste good and it's fun to root around with your nose in it!

1 comment:
Awe...I don't think that I knew Bandit was blind! That's too bad. That pic is gorgeous....you seriously should consider goin pro!!
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