Well, summer vacation is over now and school will start in 3 days. I have to say, I love it when all the kids are out of school. Traffic for me is sheer bliss. I can leave for work at 6:20 and be to work by 7am. Starting Monday, I will have to leave between 5:55 and 6 to be at work by 7 just to get to work before everyone else and their neighbor is out on the road too. I have to travel 20 miles and it is all on a 2-lane road. No way to pass because of the hills and curves... and forget going the speed limit ! Okay, enough whining.
A couple of weeks ago, Roger and I went down to visit with his family in Albany Ga. (It is pronounced all-BENY ) Not like the yankees say the New York city! I was corrected by Roger's Mom many years back. lol. She was a true Southerner! Roger's sister, Bonnie, drove up from Florida and we were able to visit with them for a couple of days. It is nice to see family. I enjoy times spent with them.

This is Roger's great-niece, Chloe. She loved having her picture taken. She would look at each shot as it was taken, and say, "aaaww, that's nice!" She is a real cutie!

This is Roger's Brother, Stan and his wife Linda. We stayed at their home in Albany.

It was difficult to get a pic of this little guy. He is Roger's great-nephew. Alex. He reminds me of the actor, Haley-Joel Osmet. You know, the "I see dead people" kid? lol. Alex wouldn't hold still for nothing. I had to sneak pics of him when he slowed down enough to catch! He and Chloe are cousins. They are only like a few months apart.

It is rare to get Roger in a picture. He won't smile when the camera is pointed at him, unless it is a goofy smile, or he has to be pulling faces or doing something to distract those in the pic with him. So I was glad to get this one of he and his sister, Bonnie. She is the oldest sib and has always been a mother-figure for Roger. She remembers alot about his childhood that he likes to hear about.
I just wish I could be closer to my family at times like these. Maybe one day.
Hey Stacey..
Sorry work traveling is gonna suck! Whine all you want..I hear ya.. I just thought I would tell you that you take REALLY good pictures..I about died when you told about the "I See Dead People" So cute and funny- Well, have a fun!
Hey I was gonna say that too. "I see dead people" lol what a hoot. And I'll tell ya what..I didn't need to read the explanation under Rog before I knew that was him!! I said, "Oh sweet! There's Roger!" lol Pushin almost 20 years since I've seen him..
he is still as cute! Aaaahh. A little balder and a little grayer too lol. But cute as I remember ;o)
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