Since I haven't posted in awhile, I thought I at least try to get some pics up from my latest visit. Johnny is now 11 months old and is just a sweetie! He always seems to have this huge smile on his face, and he has found his tongue... he sticks it out when that smile pops!
Kaylee is 14 now and a typical teenager... bored with everything and everyone! She is staying with Mom and Dad and (trying)patiently to wait for her Mom to come up. She thinks I am old and outdated, but I think I surprised her with my music tastes...I may not know all the music she likes, but I showed her I can pick a good song or two, also! She likes EMO... I bet she didn't think I knew what that was! HAHAHA!
Katie is the best Mom. She takes very good care of lil' Johnny, and she and I get along very well. JD picked a good one!
JD is a wonderful father, too. Johnny has JD wrapped around his little finger! They even have matching cowboy hats!
Dad is very busy in his huge garden. He works from sun-up to sun-down out there..I helped plant some corn while I was visiting... he also put in beans and raspberries, too! I know he has waited for the nice weather to return so he could play in the dirt again!
Mom is busy with D U P.... (Daughters of the Utah Pioneers) She is even an officer in her "camp"... that is what they call their groups. I think she really enjoys it... she was telling me that she would be going up to SLC to an all-day event with all the other "camps"... sounds interesting, huh!
1 comment:
OOOOOOOOOO How cute are we!!! Well love you miss you
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