Hello there! My name is Tinker, and I am the "tink" in the name "Tinkadit". I am the pupadup that mommy found way back when. I tumbled down a big hill covered with pine straw and I just knew she would keep me because I was so lost and needed a good home with good parents who would take care of me and love me and SPOIL me! I am a lap-a-dor..... that is kinda like a labrador, but I am a mix.... the vet said I have german shepherd in me, but mommy and daddy can't see it. I have some brindle when I get my summer cuts, but in the winter, I am mostly black with a little gray around the shoulders and mouth. I am very sweet and I have to always be near my mom and dad. I love them sooooo much that I am always kissing them... it kinda gets on mommy's nerves because she doesn't like to be licked. She thinks I have compulsive issues....I don't know what that means, but I just keep lickin' !
I LOVE to go for rides in the car.... that is probably the best part of any day to me. I know lots of words like "do" and "want" and "hungry?" and I can sit and say please. My little brother shows off because he thinks that doing tricks makes him "smarter".... I think I am the SMARTER one because I DON'T do the tricks! I hate squirrels.... they taunt me from outside and eat the birdseed that mommy puts out...uh, hello ?.... that is BIRDseed....not squirrelseed!!! I have to protect that stuff from those glorified rats.... Mommy laughs at them, but not me...I want to get them and show them whose the boss!
Well, I will let my little brother tell you about himself now.... I hope you have had some caffeine, because if he is as boring to you as he is to me, well.............

Hi there! I am Bandit. I follow Tink in the "tink-a-DIT...! I am hyper. I am funny. I am very smart. I can do lots and lots of tricks.... Mommy took me to smart dog classes because she knew I was sooo smart. The classes were called "obedience" classes, and mommy thought that I needed them because I was having trouble recognizing my own name when she called me.... just for the record, I do know my own name, I just have "selective hearing". Who wants to "come" when there are things to explore at the neighbor's house? I mean really ! At school, I learned to do some pretty cool things like "down", "stay", and "paw".... that is the technical term for "shake". I can "twirl" and "speak"... I even taught mommy to give me a "high five!" I learn very quick and my brain goes so fast that I need to learn new things just to keep me from being bored...... I can help that when mom and dad are gone to work I have to stimulate my brain on my own... once I took some books off the bookshelf and decided to try and read them. They had these papers wrapped around them, so I took them off so I could see the name of the books. The pages are hard to turn without fingers, so I just chewed the corners of the books to get to the good stuff. Turns out, the words don't make much sense to me, so I just left them all over the livingroom floor. Mom wasn't happy about that! I won some awards at my classes and I was very popular with the kids. I think it is because I am so pretty.
Tinker and I play alot, but sometimes he bugs me and I get growly.... like whenever I have a chewy and he has one too, well, I think they are both mine, so I take his. It's not like I like to chew them, it is just a power thing. He may be older, but I am tougher.....lol.

This is what I like to do the most..... just sit outside and observe the world around me. Mom thinks I am being stubborn because I won't come to her when she calls me.... I am contemplating the world around me....I am not interested in coming inside. UNLESS she asks me if I am hungry.... then I run!
So that is me.... the best dog in the whole world!
Stop by and check out my blog anytime!
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