We recently had a movie day... a LOTR day, to be exact. That meant pj's and quilts, hanging out in the family room and watching all three of the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings. By "family"... of course, that means all 4 of us. Me, Roger and the two furry kids. They are both dogs.... fairly large ones at that, but the youngest thinks he is a small cat sometimes as you can see here in the following pics..... Tinker is always faithfully seated right next to mommy's feet.

Bandit truly believes he can fit anywhere a cat can.... including laying up on the back of the couch. Of course, getting up and into a comfy position can be a bit of a hassle.... first, he had to try sitting his hind-end on my shoulder....

( that isn't so comfy for mommy )
So, after mommy kicked him off the couch, he went into mommy and daddy's bedroom... and found a very comfortable spot on the bed! Bandit always lays on the pillow like he is human...and kinda perturbed that I would follow him into the room to take more pictures... of course, Tink had to find a spot, too!

this is supposed to be OUR bed!!!! Where do we sleep now?

Finally! a great spot for everyone.... except daddy of course!

A week or so prior, we puppy-sat my boss's dog, Buddy. What a sweetheart! He is about 13, and calm as can be.... but on occasion, he showed the young'uns that he still had some puppy in him! Roger and I found ourselves trying to keep Tink and Bandit from growling and trying to tell Buddy that this wasn't his house and that he should just go home.... but by the end of the weekend, everyone was moving about freely without any major upsets.

Well, not everyone .... Roger has trouble sharing, too!
( I think buddy wants a taste of that sammy! )

This IS a dog's life !!!!!!!
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