Happy Thanksgiving Y'all !!!
Thought you might enjoy a few of my recent pics.... Although we have had one of the driest seasons on record, we have had one of the most colorful fall seasons I can remember since I moved here 21... (ugh!) years ago! Yeah, I said it. 21 years..... I hope not to make it to 22, though.

Oak leaves ^

Sugar Maples outside our office building.... and I have a huge window to look at them, too!

Artsy angle photography!

Color color color! How do you name this one? Orange? Red? Orangy-reddish-pinky-yellow?

I liked the leaves on this maple.... yellow with broun edges! Nice contrast, I think.

As they say here in the Ol'e South.....
Please Pass the cornbread dressin' and some of that there Sweet Potatoe Souffle' honey-chile'...oh! and would ya pass them thar beans 'n greens? They are smack-yo'-mama good!
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