Speaking of smaller, this is the wedding dress of one of Brigham's youngest children, Clarrisa. Much of what we know of this home and the events that happened here was recorded by Clarrisa in her journals. This dress is sooo tiny, and her shoes were a size 3 1/2! Crazy to imagine that when I wear a size 8! Not to mention the size of clothes I carry on my amazon-sized frame! I wonder what size people will be in the year 2107 !!!
The woodwork in the house is all hand-carved. If you look close enough, you will notice all the details that were put into the home. Lots of symbols, too. Beehives, bees, sego lilies, and other symbols were everywhere in this home.
This is the music room. Again, more ornate woodwork, beautiful furniture, draperies and many instruments to entertain guests.
This is one of the girls' rooms. They seem even nicer than the boys' rooms, don't they? Of course, that is pretty much normal in today's world, too! hahaha
This is a view looking up the staircase to the top floor, I just thought it looked cool.
I kinda like the color of the walls.... don't think it would work in my house, but it is a nice calm color nonetheless.
These were the sisters that took us on our tour. They sang a song at the end of the tour, and we ( Mom and I ) joined in. The song escapes my memory at this time, but I remember the other people on the tour being surprised that we were singing with the sisters. I think we were the only ones there on the tour that were members of the Church.
One of the sisters was from the UK and the other from the Philipines. Nice girls and very humble and knowledgeable, too! Dad spent a few minutes talking with them at the end of our tour, and told them about our link to the pioneers. The girls were very interested in our story and thanked us for sharing it before they had to head back to Temple Square for more mission work. We headed to the Joseph Smith building to take a break before heading home. I absolutely love Utah, can ya tell????
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