Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hello.... we are "the kids" !

Hello there! My name is Tinker, and I am the "tink" in the name "Tinkadit". I am the pupadup that mommy found way back when. I tumbled down a big hill covered with pine straw and I just knew she would keep me because I was so lost and needed a good home with good parents who would take care of me and love me and SPOIL me! I am a lap-a-dor..... that is kinda like a labrador, but I am a mix.... the vet said I have german shepherd in me, but mommy and daddy can't see it. I have some brindle when I get my summer cuts, but in the winter, I am mostly black with a little gray around the shoulders and mouth. I am very sweet and I have to always be near my mom and dad. I love them sooooo much that I am always kissing them... it kinda gets on mommy's nerves because she doesn't like to be licked. She thinks I have compulsive issues....I don't know what that means, but I just keep lickin' !
I LOVE to go for rides in the car.... that is probably the best part of any day to me. I know lots of words like "do" and "want" and "hungry?" and I can sit and say please. My little brother shows off because he thinks that doing tricks makes him "smarter".... I think I am the SMARTER one because I DON'T do the tricks! I hate squirrels.... they taunt me from outside and eat the birdseed that mommy puts out...uh, hello ?.... that is BIRDseed....not squirrelseed!!! I have to protect that stuff from those glorified rats.... Mommy laughs at them, but not me...I want to get them and show them whose the boss!

Well, I will let my little brother tell you about himself now.... I hope you have had some caffeine, because if he is as boring to you as he is to me, well.............

Hi there! I am Bandit. I follow Tink in the "tink-a-DIT...! I am hyper. I am funny. I am very smart. I can do lots and lots of tricks.... Mommy took me to smart dog classes because she knew I was sooo smart. The classes were called "obedience" classes, and mommy thought that I needed them because I was having trouble recognizing my own name when she called me.... just for the record, I do know my own name, I just have "selective hearing". Who wants to "come" when there are things to explore at the neighbor's house? I mean really ! At school, I learned to do some pretty cool things like "down", "stay", and "paw".... that is the technical term for "shake". I can "twirl" and "speak"... I even taught mommy to give me a "high five!" I learn very quick and my brain goes so fast that I need to learn new things just to keep me from being bored...... I can help that when mom and dad are gone to work I have to stimulate my brain on my own... once I took some books off the bookshelf and decided to try and read them. They had these papers wrapped around them, so I took them off so I could see the name of the books. The pages are hard to turn without fingers, so I just chewed the corners of the books to get to the good stuff. Turns out, the words don't make much sense to me, so I just left them all over the livingroom floor. Mom wasn't happy about that! I won some awards at my classes and I was very popular with the kids. I think it is because I am so pretty.

Tinker and I play alot, but sometimes he bugs me and I get growly.... like whenever I have a chewy and he has one too, well, I think they are both mine, so I take his. It's not like I like to chew them, it is just a power thing. He may be older, but I am

This is what I like to do the most..... just sit outside and observe the world around me. Mom thinks I am being stubborn because I won't come to her when she calls me.... I am contemplating the world around me....I am not interested in coming inside. UNLESS she asks me if I am hungry.... then I run!

So that is me.... the best dog in the whole world!

Stop by and check out my blog anytime!

ahhh... fall in Altanta. I love the warm weather and the beautiful fall colors! this was taken at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in Oct. Some of the skyline is showing, but I really loved the red and yellow leaves.

Case in point......

My friends, Lynn and Cynthia, joined me at the Gardens for the Scarecrows in the Park event. There were many scarecrows, some funny, some scary, and some just plain strange! But we had a nice time taking a TON of pictures. There was also another display going on there which was called Niki.... some fascinating sculptures made with glass and mortar...sort of a mosaic. The sculptures were huge and a few were the big fat swimsuit fountain

We found a mirrored sculpture that proved to be quite entertaining for us all. We found we could all get into our own artwork and create an interesting photo too!

I even took a self-portrait!

We had alot of fun sharing ideas and creative photo-ops. We try to make it downtown once or twice a year to the Gardens...I like both spring and fall.... the colors are incredible and the temps are mild. But the best thing about it is just spending time together and having fun. After all, that is what it is all about!

That is all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time..............