Okay.... so I started the blog and now how to download a pic ??? I have a TON of pictures and I think the one I will try first is of my Mom and Dad.. they recently moved back to Utah, and they seem very content to be at the base of Mount Nebo. So what better pic to try out than of them with the mountain in the background?
Mom and Dad have been through alot in the 20 years it took them to get back to Utah. There have been ups and downs and lots and lots of trials! But one thing was constant. The love and strength of their marriage. It would have been easier at times to give up and call it quits, but that is not in either of their vocabularies, which is a real inspiration to me. Dad went through several setbacks with job losses and layoffs, but when he couldn't, Mom stepped up and helped get them through the crisis. Dad once told me that it nearly killed him to know that Mom was making more money than he was...he felt like a failure. Mom didn't see it that way. She felt that in marriage, you try and keep trying, and you do whatever is necessary to get the goal accomplished. I admire that. I sometimes wonder if I would have the same strength to do the same.
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