Our little (one tree) orchard is ready to harvest. This year, the cherry tree was loaded with so many cherries, we were afraid the birds would feast upon it before we could get the cherries picked, so we invested in some netting to protect the little red fruits before they ripened. It worked! We have been sneaking some here and there and finally decided to get busy and pick them.
I wanted to get a few pictures of them before harvesting, so I got the camera and ended up spending nearly a half hour getting every angle I could... after all, who knows what next year will provide?
Of course, when taking pictures of beautiful red globes of deliciousness, one must always be sure they taste as good as they look!

look at that branch! It is begging to have it's burden relieved!
Mmmmmmm! That one is definately good!
Oooops! That accidentally came off the tree... I must give in and eat these too.....

Well, I guess it's time. To harvest, that is.
It took me nearly 2 hours, but I was able to get the tree done (no thanks to the wind) I got some sun, good pictures and a bellyache!

Oh, and did I mention 5 quart sized ziploc baggies full of cherries? YUM!