Friday, January 8, 2010
Jack Frost nipping at our nose....
Please come home for Christmas
Christmas, 2009... the end of another decade. Seems like we just turned the century and here we are so close to 2010. Lots of changes this year. Roger and I made a big move coming to Utah after so many years in Georgia. Mom having two surgeries within 3 months. I learned to can and preserve some fruit and vegies from the garden... ( I also learned that using insecticide doesn't just affect the can also make humans VERY sick nausea and vomiting for nearly 24 hours straight!!!) The changes in the seasons here in Utah can be swift and sometimes uninvited, too! Me getting a job... Roger still not getting a job :O( Anyhow, for all the ups and downs, we ended the year on a good note. Natalie and Amanda came up from Arizona to spend Christmas with the family.... together again after some 20 odd years... maybe longer if my calculations are correct. So I thought I would post some of our Christmas to share with you... enjoy!
JD is the baby, yet he seems to tower over all three of his big sisters!
It isn't the biggest family gathering for sure, but at least most all of the family is here for a Christmas together ( that hasn't happened in over 20 years!)
Here is li'l John with some of his Christmas Loot.... a sled just his size, a cookie monster puppet, a sit-n-spin, and a monkey in the background.... who says when your little, you don't need much from Santa????
Don't know how this photo got on my camera, but I had to post it !!! Hi Natalie! :O)
Hello Amanda.... earth to Amanda... are you in there? Uh oh... looks like we've lost her to the "Seventeen" magazine! It was either that or the constant text messaging that kept her attention all weekend! Of course, when you allow non-living things to keep your focus, you get pictures taken of you and they end up on your Auntie's blog! Hahaha!
Here's to a hopeful New Year full of fun times, family and hopefully job prospects! Yay new decade!
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