One thing I have really enjoyed since being back home in Utah is all the fun ways the folks here decorate for the holidays... not that people in Georgia don't do a fantastic job too, but I have seen some really cute ideas in yards and front porches here!
Simple, but very cute, find branches and put blackbirds on them!
I have seen "crashing witches" for years done all different ways, but they always seem to be the same for some reason. Today, I came across this witch in Mona (Mom's town), and just loved her cape!
This bear is quite the festive fellow... apparently, he dresses up for nearly every holiday ( so I've heard ). In July, he looks alot like Uncle Sam... :O)
Last, but not least, I found this idea at a house in Nephi... I am trying to convince Mom that she needs one of these bikes in her yard, too! I think these people did an amazing job with this yard decoration!
I have GOT to get into a house... I need to decorate for holidays too!