This next pic was actually taken a couple of years ago in Yellowstone. I don't know what kind of flower it is, but I really liked the dew in the leaves, so that is what I was concentrating on when taking this pic.

I also love this red flower.... I think it is some
sort of dahlia, but I am not sure. I planted it, though.
lol !
lol !
This isn't a four-leafed clover, but it reminds
me of them, and since it is March, I thought
I should send a little " top 'o the mornin' "
type of message to say Happy St. Patrick's
Well, this is all for now. I am going to take the time to get some good pics for my next blog. I recently went on a scrapbook retreat, and we had a "photo shoot".... got some really good ones for scrappin'! We stayed in a cabin up in the north ga. mountains... good times, good times!
until next time.....