Yep, my baby brother and his beautiful bride are expecting a wonderful gift next July. Hard to imagine the baby of our family is going to have a baby of his own. I am so happy for them both. I know they will be great parents who will raise this child to be a very important part of this world, and this child will be so loved (and spoiled by Grandparents) that it will never lack in self-esteem, beauty ( or handsomeness) and will no doubt be smart, creative, and self-sufficent.
Katie asked me the other day how come I don't write down that she has a bun in the oven, and I didn't think that, as a proud auntie-to-be, that I should be spreading the great news, but seeing how much she loves being posted in my blog, I just couldn't let her down, so from now on, all updates on this pregnancy will be posted! lol......
By the way, when JD called my Mom to tell her that he had visited the doctor with Katie, he told Mom.... "The little shit has a heartbeat!" Did he think it wouldn't????? I think baby brother is having a hard time knowing that he won't be the center of attention anymore... especially when he opened a Christmas gift that happened to be a book called "My first book of colors". Methinks the gifts from now on will be in someway directed to the new addition that will be coming soon to a family near me! Mom also gave them a gift for Christmas "To: the Baby".... JD insisted on opening it because he has always been "the baby"..... well, NO MORE!!!!! LOL
So tune in next time when we announce the gender of the little one so you all can start buying pink (or blue)....